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Cheryl Mitchell

Cheryl Mitchell

Cheryl is a speaker and farm legacy facilitator. Her work focuses on helping families identify, preserve, and protect what matters most to them, honoring the unique values and stories that shape each generation.

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Price range

  • $6,000 - $10,000
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  • Change
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Farm succession planning
  • Female Speakers
  • Generational Issues
  • Inspirational
  • Leadership
  • Succession Planning
  • About

    Cheryl Mitchell is driven by a deep commitment to impact the lives of those around her, drawing on a legacy rooted in agriculture. A dairy farmer’s daughter from Jasper County, Illinois, Cheryl’s connection to farming is foundational, shaping her approach and values.

    With over 35 years of experience across public and private education, the agriculture sector, corporate America, nonprofit organizations, and emerging science and technology, Cheryl’s career centers on one consistent theme: legacy. Her work focuses on helping families identify, preserve, and protect what matters most to them, honoring the unique values and stories that shape each generation.

    Cheryl’s expertise in leadership development, training, and public speaking is complemented by countless hours spent in thoughtful conversations around kitchen tables. Through listening and understanding, she gains insight into the lives and aspirations of the families she serves, ensuring that their most cherished values endure for generations to come.

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    Keynote OR Breakout

    Our mind is a powerful force, in fact, I might argue, it’s THE most powerful force we as human being have. It is our control center. Health has been categorized into several dimensions: physical, intellectual, environmental, vocational, social, emotional, and spiritual. Personally, I consider the overarching umbrella of these dimensions to be our mental health.

    I would compare the health of our mind to the soil of our land. Without proper care, expertise, resources, and intentionality, over time, it will become strained and not properly grow the seeds we plant. You are the most important commodity you have. How will you tend to your mind, intentionally putting the best nutrients into your mind so that you can care for and reap the best for your life?


    Did you know…30% of family farms make it to the 2nd generation; 12% of those make it to the 3rd generation; 3% make it to the 4th generation. As a dairy farmer’s daughter, I have seen the tragedy when farm families fail to plan the legacy they want to leave for future generations.

    Families who have the tough conversations and begin the estate planning discussions early have more control over the legacy they leave.

    What is the vision you have for your operation? Do the people involved want this life or is it someone else’s dream? Where do you start? How do you start? This presentation will provide a starting place for these critical discussions. It takes one generation to build a farm; one generation to grow a farm, and one generation to lose a farm.


    “No one likes change!” I believe this is a false statement. If we didn’t like change, we would live in the same house, drive the same vehicle, wear the same clothes, talk to the same people, and buy the same foods week after week.

    What I believe is that people don’t like the process of change. This is where we get tripped up. It is not a question of change, but of change management. Change is inevitable; the question is how we manage change, so it doesn’t undo us, even if it’s a change we want. Methods, tactics, and attitudes to lean into the changes are the focus of this presentation.


    For the first time, five generations are sharing today’s modern workplace. That is a big opportunity. The question is how do we leverage the strengths of Gen Z, Traditionalists and each generation in between to accomplish more for the future, positively. This presentation will be highly engaging as we review facts, statistics; most importantly discuss strategies to leverage the unique traits of each generation. Most importantly, how do we translate and interpret that information into a way that provides a path for success for you as you enter “their world”.


    How many classes have you had that taught you how to listen, which really means understand and remember? My guess is the answer is zero. The first step in relating to other people is to listen, REALLY listen. In this world of noise, truly listening takes a lesson or two and strategies. We will discuss how we need to be taught to listen, just like we need to be taught to walk and talk. We will discuss obstacles to listening well and we will provide action steps and strategies to utilize in personal and professional settings.


    There are very few projects that we work on for an entire lifetime. In fact, you are the only consistent in your life, from birth to death. Family, friends, colleagues, jobs will all come and go, but YOU go with you everywhere. If this is true, then why wouldn’t we want to become the best version of ourselves. How do we do that over time? This presentation provides encouragement and practical application with tools and resources for each person to implement as they become a leader others want to follow.

When we are planning an event and the topic of having a speaker comes up the first thing I do is call PSN. They provide world class service and the speakers they have provided us in the past have always been phenomenal.
Director, Organizational Development Ingram Micro