David Goldsmith
David Goldsmith is a consultant and adviser, author, speaker and patent holder. He is a trusted adviser to executives in the world's largest companies, including Infosys, Illinois Tool Works, Dole, KPMG, Techtronics, and Wipro,
Price range
- $40,000 - $45,000
- Business
- Business Growth
- Future
- Leadership
- Management
- Marketing/Merchandising
- Teamwork/Teambuilding
- Trends
- Consulting
- Services
- 36 Years
David Goldsmith is an award-winning businessman, consultant and adviser, author, speaker, patent holder, and President and Co-founder of the Goldsmith Organization (New York and Hong Kong), a consulting firm servicing executive clients across six continents in commerce, nonprofits, governments, militaries, and education. He is a trusted consultant and adviser to executives in some of the world’s largest companies, including Infosys, Maersk, Illinois Tool Works, Dole, KPMG, Techtronics, and Wipro, travelling more than 300,000 miles each year to improve leaders and their organizations. David’s close work with top-level decision makers and world leaders gives him a comprehensive insight into the challenges facing leadership today and enables him to challenge leaders to think differently, cross-pollinate solutions across industries, and provide practical (and sometimes counterintuitively innovative) tools and methodologies that create immediate, rapid, and sustainable results.
Though his formal education—a dual major in biology and psychology—prepped David for medical school, as his undergraduate studies neared completion, he took a detour into the world of business, earned an MBA, and never looked back. His first startups, before they were called “startups”, spanned a range of industries, earned entrepreneurial awards, and garnered international interest. His past and present accomplishments have been featured in media such as the South China Morning Post, the Japanese version of Entrepreneur Magazine, the Financial Times, CNN, and various newspapers in the US and Europe.
Currently, David is also the Co-founder of ecosystem.AI (San Francisco and London), a predictive analytics and visualization company that finds hidden value within markets; Co-founder of Buzd, LLC (San Francisco), a firm in which he is a patent holder for technological applications and products related to artificial intelligence, cell phone applications, battery technologies, and consumer products; Co-founder and CEO of TymSync, Inc. (San Diego), a forward-oriented firm that develops innovative technologies; Founder and Project Leader of an Project Moon Hut, a three-year effort with NASA (Silicon Valley) to enable sustainable life on the moon through the accelerated development of a space based economy; and adviser and stakeholder in several cutting-edge startups globally.
David is the author of Paid to THINK: A Leader’s Toolkit for Redefining Your Future, a work described by readers as “an MBA in a book” and acclaimed by experts as a groundbreaking approach to modern leadership and management.
Video Clips
100% Fully-Customized, Engaging, Transformative Programs – Keynote, Breakout, 1/2 and Full Day
David Goldsmith’s Consulting from the StageTM is the gold standard of customization. Programs are developed through pre-presentation interviews, industry-specific research, and forecasting so that attendees gain eye-opening insights, transformational skills, and proven take-away tools that improve leaders, careers, organizations and industries. Participants achieve rapid results and the ability to affect long-term behavioral transformations months and years after the close of your event.
Experience the difference of a Consulting from the StageTM program, and offer your audience members the opportunity to:
* Generate winning strategies and tactics.
* Improve individual and organizational performance.
* Outpace even their toughest competitors.
* Channel energy and effort into productive activities.
* Work more effectively person-to-person and globally.
* Maximize efficiency in all areas of their organizations.
* Capture and retain more customers and clients.
* Accelerate innovation internally and externally to their organizations.
* Sell their ideas, initiatives, credibility, and organizations’ potential to stakeholders.
* Redefine challenges into opportunities.
* Increase profits.
* Do more with less and achieve results.
* Improve global reach and awareness.Your attendees walk away with:
* Tools that can be immediately utilized every day on the job.
* Methodologies that give structure to random activities.
* Concepts that transform decision making for the better.
* Knowledge of opportunities and challenges on the horizon so that they make smarter decisions today that will ensure promising outcomes in the future.PAID TO THINK: THE 12 GAME-CHANGING SECRETS TO GREAT LEADERSHIP
(Based on the Internationally Acclaimed Book)
Any desired outcome or promising future can become a reality for every leader who learns the simple yet powerful universal mental tools of great leadership.
In a world that values busyness over idleness, leaders can be prone to taking action too soon before they’ve sorted out (or even considered) their best options; yet, those who have the awareness and tools to sidestep this trap are best able to identify and create their best opportunities to win optimized outcomes and mega rewards. So what does it take to acquire this and other advantageous thinking skills so that leaders confidently know that they are always making their best decisions at any given time? This program, described as a “hurricane to the brain”, shows leaders how.
Combining his own experiences over 30 years as a businessperson, his side-by-side consultative work with thousands of decision-makers, and his twelve years as an award-winning New York University professor, David Goldsmith reveals two stunning realities that will forever change audience members’ perspectives and put them on the path to become their best leadership selves.
In this content-rich, engaging program, audience members become stronger leaders by learning to:
− Increase individual and organization performance through a proven empowering process.
− Expand opportunities using an advanced strategizing tool.
− Accelerate growth and drive long-term success through forecasting.
− Get from where they are to where they want to be using a simple technique to gain more frequent buy-in and cooperation from colleagues and stakeholders.
− Uncover the secrets great leaders know to attract and secure talent, clients, customers, and members.
− Rethink current beliefs that hinder performance and internalize new truths to expand opportunities and optimize outcomes.This introductory presentation based on David’s internationally-acclaimed book, Paid to THINK: A Leader’s Toolkit for Redefining Your Future, opens minds to the boundless ways of identifying opportunities, making superior decisions, advancing organizations, and developing leaders and the people they impact all in their pursuit to Achieve More, Earn More, and Live More.
Beliefs about leading are so common and ingrained that we rarely (if ever) step back and assess whether they are actually true or even good for us.
What do leaders who seem to manage their roles effortlessly, efficiently, and confidently have that most other leaders lack? Certainly, there are outward plusses-years of experience, great people, resources, technologies, etc.-but their true advantages are actually the ways of thinking that we don’t see that makes these leaders outperform their contemporaries and competitors. These high-functioning leaders have already learned that popular perspectives related to leading and managing, though common, are nothing more than false assumptions and self-sabotaging beliefs masquerading as “truths” that can hinder decision making and rob leaders of their best options for racking up gains, successes, and wins. Wouldn’t it be great to know what these realities are and how they can be put to use to make an immediate difference?
David Goldsmith engages participants to look through a completely new lens that replaces their old assumptions with new concepts and mental tools that deliver an abundance of unparalleled opportunities faster than they may have ever experienced throughout their careers. Your group will gain greater clarity and be posed to usher in an avalanche of new opportunities as soon as they return to their work environment and for many years beyond the close of your event.
Some of the mind-quaking realities that will expose previously invisible opportunities are:
− The Power of 3 Letters: How “GPP” will transform individuals, organizations, and everyone they touch.
− The Surprising Realities of Change: How people actually love change
− The Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: What hidden opportunities materialize when one understands the gift of “Doing more with less.”
− The “Mental Economics” of Leadership: Why “execution mentality” leads to diminished returns and needless struggle.
− The Realities of Winning: What leadership preaches is not how most wins happen and where one’s focus should be instead.
You might want to caution your attendees that if they prefer status quo, this program is not for them. Past attendees have said that they were never able to go back to old ways of thinking and that this program drastically transformed how they viewed their roles as leaders and unleashed potential within themselves that they never knew they had.
Leaders who forecast increase performance, outpace competitors and produce winning, sustainable advantages throughout their organizations.
Picture for a moment that this morning a decision maker receives a special gift; it’s a newspaper from the future that reveals an avalanche of data about challenges and opportunities on the horizon that no one else is expecting. How differently might this person assess potential options so that decisions made today secure a better future for his or her organization, industry, or career?
Having a more informed view into the future-magical newspapers aside-is a reality for anyone who has the right tools. In this program, David Goldsmith awakens leaders to their own abilities to look into the future much farther and more accurately than they ever thought possible by using proven forecasting tools. During this engaging and educational program, audiences experience many “aha” moments as they learn to anticipate, plan, and decide in ways that transcend any they’ve learned before.
In this program, attendees learn how to:
− Use a proven process for forecasting trends and opportunities within and outside their industry (or sector).
− Develop a mindset that identifies trend markers that make predictive solutions a reality.
− Diagnose their own “default perspective” and recalibrate their thinking skillsets to anticipate and decide optimally.
− Orient their thinking to a future-focused perspective that positions them, their leadership groups, and their organizations with strategically superior plans.
− Secure new tools for getting others engaged in regular forecasting activity.
− Maximize potential and increase performance by solving or avoiding altogether challenges and threats that would likely have gone unnoticed without forecasting tools.
− Gain pockets of time and peace of mind through a forward-oriented planning process.
Attendees’ takeaways are designed for immediate use upon their return to work and throughout their careers, extending the value of this program for years to come. As results start to happen, leaders not only wonder why more people don’t know how to forecast in this way, there’s a part of them that hopes their competitors never do!
While most leaders want to be innovative and to build innovative organizational cultures, few feel that they actually know how.
In 2009, a survey of leaders conducted by McKinsey & Company revealed that more than 70% of leaders expected innovation to become one of the top three drivers of growth for their organizations in the upcoming three to five years. Yet seven years later, while there seems to be no shortage of “Most-Innovative-Companies” lists online, leaders worldwide are confessing behind closed doors to a disappointing reality-despite all the talk, intentions, and attempts to be more innovative, their organizations are still sitting on the sidelines, stalling innovatively.
The good news is, innovation, whether disruptive or not, is actually a leadership issue, and there are simple but powerful steps leaders can take immediately to replace “vanilla” practices and offerings with stand-out-in-the-crowd “raspberry swirl”. After a 1-hour presentation, one client achieved 42 innovation projects. Attendees who come to this presentation thinking, “I’m not sure,” are likely to be saying, “Yes I can!” in a short period of time.
Leaders who have struggled with innovation in the past find this presentation’s content to yield a refreshing departure from their past experiences. David Goldsmith moves audiences far beyond theory and “should-do” talk by delivering the same practical, actionable tools and techniques that turned his consulting clients around 180°.
In this program, attendees learn:
− The means by which to start initiating disruptive ideation.
− The secret that innovative leaders use to innovate.
− How inspiration is only a small part of the innovation formula, and what leaders should focus on instead.
− The use of “triggers of innovation” to foster innovative input.
− Tactics to bypass altogether the pitfalls of innovation.
− Essential steps for applying innovation everywhere, thus strengthening performance and outcomes related to strategic planning, forecasting, product development, competitive intelligence, and more.
This is a practical and motivating program that transforms leadership perspectives about innovation and provides proven tools and instruction so that attendees can successfully begin building their own unstoppable, innovative organizations.
Before any leader channels time, energy, and resources into creating their next solutions and opportunities, they should know for certain if they are addressing actual challenges.
If you incorrectly enter your intended destination address into a GPS, what is likely to happen? The same is true when you incorrectly assume that your challenge is your real challenge without any method to test that assumption. Redefining is an incredibly reliable tool that produces optimal results, because it guides leaders to ask better questions and ultimately focuses them on their real and right challenge from the get-go. In essence, Redefining gives leaders the immediate ability to delineate their real challenges from distractive imposters, such as assumptions, symptoms of challenges, or lower-priority issues.
In this program, David Goldsmith sparks attendees’ awareness of distractors that typically steer leaders, plans, and organizations off course-even if only slightly to alter results from their intended outcomes-and opens perspectives to the vast possibilities to achieve more and win more both individually and organizationally.
In this introductory presentation to Redefining, attendees will learn:
− How to improve every decision they make.
− What it takes to transform an entire organization in a year (or less).
− The common diverters that cause leaders to make poor or inferior decisions.
− The 6 “Challenge Statement” tests that vet options.
− How the Economics of Thinking leverages talent throughout an organization.
− How thinking with the end in mind is only half the process.
− Why asking WHY often leads to the wrong solutions or missed opportunities.
Once leaders learn about Redefining, they understand why it is such an important decision-making tool. Furthermore, this program gives attendees every step and instruction they need to go back to work and immediately approach their everyday questions, quandaries, meetings, interactions, challenges, opportunities, and decisions with it. Considering the frequency of decision points throughout a single day, this tool puts immense power in leaders’ hands to shape the present and future of organizations, careers, lives, and all the people who are affected by their decisions. In addition, leaders can easily transfer this tool to others to multiply its amazing potential to transform individuals and groups within a very short time.
A winning outcome is born as much from how leaders think as it is from what they think.
Considering the transformative impact of just one decision-both good and bad-and the fact that countless decisions are made in organizations minute by minute causing limitless possible outcomes to hang in the balance, it’s critical that leaders have a proven, way of planning and thinking smarter so that they and their organizations produce winning outcomes.
In this presentation, David Goldsmith teaches audience members about a powerful combination of new planning tools, counter-intuitive approaches, and eye-opening perspectives that empower leaders to make rapid and highly transformative outcomes.
Depending on the audience’s needs and the program length, this presentation teaches leaders how to:
− Use an advanced model for strategic planning that improves individual and organizational outcomes at short-term, intermediate, five-year, and future points in time.
− Gain an accurate big-picture perspective and use it as the foundation for daily planning and action.
− Forecast future opportunities and trends so that plans deliver long-term rewards.
− Develop practical, workable plans that stakeholders can use on a daily basis to keep everyone on track toward reaching desired outcomes.
− Stop viewing their ideas as plans and get down to actionable measures that produce results.
− Adopt a view of “execution” that drastically enhances achievement rather than hinders it.
− Identify and reverse the danger signs that surface when leaders are working from no plans rather than from great plans.
− Employ techniques that gain buy-in internally and externally.
This program’s value continually increases in the months and years after an event ends, because it captivates audiences which improves retention and it delivers unique, proven, and powerful tools that truly transform every leader who incorporates them into their careers and lives.
Digital advancements are the new gold, not just for techies but for every leader…that is, if one knows what those advancements are and how to use them.
It can be very exciting to be a leader at a time in human history as today’s progressive leaders are using cutting-edge technologies, algorithms, and data to make smarter strategic decisions that are delivering huge returns and having impact on everybody, everywhere, and in every way. By now, whether one is a tech-minded leader or not and regardless of their organization’s size, reach, geographic location, and industry or sector, they need a wakeup call to get up to speed quickly so that these digital possibilities become opportunities rather than challenges. This program is a straightforward introduction as a first step in leveling the playing field.
In this enlightening and engaging program, David Goldsmith explains how today’s progressive leaders are using cutting-edge computational algorithms to seek and find hidden values in markets and organizational relationships. Audience members begin to expand their thinking to how they can make smarter, more strategic decisions that outpace competitors and draw larger-than-typical returns.
Participants of this presentation learn:
− What technologies are currently in use and their impact on organizations of all sizes.
− The connection between complex ecosystems, algorithms, AI, and machine learning and setting a foundation to create new opportunities.
− How today’s technologies can deliver data that makes decision making more accurate and its outcomes more sustainable.
− The different ways leaders can use data for various gains such as in new product development, competitive analyses, and more.
Audiences from all industries and sectors throughout the world have found this program to be an eye-opening introduction to current technological opportunities and an impetus to get on board quickly to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving world.
2 people have recommended this speaker
“I pulled two items out of your presentation that we will roll out globally through Johnson and Johnson. You've got me thinking about everything.”
“Outstanding! What you did for us at the Kentucky Bankers CEO conference was not only powerful, it was everything you promised it would be and more...You promised you'd present information that had the CEOs thinking and boy did they ever...I especially liked how you were able to listen to three other presenters and then in REAL time add this newly-found material into your materials while adding extra insight into the data. Quite frankly, I'm not sure how you do it. Others in the industry are correct when they say, "There are few people in the world who can do what you do. Besides, you're a great presenter. I don't think anyone wanted the program to end. ”