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Tim Frank Andersen

Tim Frank Andersen

Tim Frank Andersen is a digital pioneer and a serial entrepreneur with several successful exits in his portfolio. He founded his first digital agency back in 1995 and has been active in the field of Internet, technology and digitalization ever since.

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Price range

  • $20,000 - $25,000
  • About

    He is a highly popular moderator and keynote speaker on the topics of Innovation, Digital Transformation and sustainability in a digital context.

    Since 2006 He has been a partner and chairman of the In2media Group – one of Denmark’s largest digital agency groups, which was sold to KMD and renamed to Charlie Tango in 2017. Charlie Tango is today owned by NEC.

    In 2021 he Co-founded Liveshopper – a cloudbased video technology platform 
used by brands and ecommerce companies to make shoppable live video events and to gain detailed video interaction analytics.

    Tim has more than twenty years of experience with developing successful digital strategies and digital Brand strategies for some of the largest companies in Denmark and for several international brands like Nike, Pandora, Kellogg’s and Unilever.

    Tim has published two very successful books: Brand building on the Internet together with Martin Lindstrom, and 10 digital strategies.

    He has been appointed by the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation as chairman of the board responsible for developing the Danish IT research strategy.

    For 6 consecutive years, he has been a member of the Danish ICT Council. Tim has been a member of the board on digital learning under the Danish Ministry of Education.

    For eight years Tim appeared biweekly on the national TV morning show as an expert on the topic of new technology. And he has been the host on the TV series called “Denmark’s best Idea” on TV2.

  • Video Clips
  • Topics

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Technical

    The Coronavirus has changed our world extremely fast.

    The restrictions worldwide have led to fast changes in human behaviour and new digital initiatives and implementations which under normal circumstances would have taken years to implement.

    We´re in the midst of the largest live experiment ever and digital technologies are playing a major and central role. This will have deep ramifications and consequences once we get to the other side of the crisis.

    While these are definitely sad times, it still makes sense to begin to envision which breakthroughs and digital disruptions this crisis will lead to. Because the technologies that we all feared as the big disrupters are now what ties us all together and make it possible for most of us to continue working.

    In this Keynote I talk about the digital areas I think will be accelerated and irreversibly changed forever and how this lead to new business opportunities. I address what companies need to do in order to utilise the new digital possibilities and get back on track.

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Technical

    We find ourselves in a time where virtually all industries are being affected by new technologies and increasing digitization.

    This is radically changing the market conditions for most businesses and industries.

    That leads to an imperative need to understand which technologies are relevant and how they are affecting the company´s reality:

    • Why is it happening right now and what is the cause of this upheaval?

    • What are the key technologies to impact our industry?

    • What can we expect from the next 5-10 years of digital development?

    • How do we as a company kick-start the internal process of digitally equipping our self both in the short and long team?

    • How do we create the right kind of digital leadership between management and the board?

    These are some of the key questions that will be addressed through cases and examples in this keynote.

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Technical

    Users today expect world class digital experiences across all channels, and their tolerance for clunky interfaces are close to zero.

    Never has it been more important to ease the way for your customers and get as close to a transparent and friction-less user interface as possible.

    • So how do you do it?

    • What are the world-Class examples of friction-less onboarding and transactional solutions?

    • How will interfaces change in the future?

    • How do we measure the financial effect of working professional with design and UX?

    Learn the dos and don’ts from some of the best cases out there and how to capitalize on the right user journey.

    Keynote OR Breakout | Educational | Technical

    It´s 2020 and we have 10 years left to solve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

    This will only happen through an extensive use of digitalization and new technological breakthroughs. Luckily a series of new technologies have the potential to make a big impact and to create new business value for companies that understand to seize the opportunity.

    But technology is also creating new challenges. The amount of energy consumed by digital platforms, the development within E-commerce and the tremendous use of smartphones are things we have to deal with.

    Big Data, AI and our increased use of digital services and social platforms is changing the ethical rules that we live by. So, we need to take a stronger stand at what we will accept in order to create the world we actually want to live in.

    What are we willing to sacrifice in order to be sustainable and how do companies develop the winning products and services of a sustainable future? That is some of the questions that this keynote addresses.

She did a GREAT job everyone loved her she absolutely set the tone for our event. I have nothing but great things to say and would love to work with her again in the future.
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