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Tony Perzow

Tony Perzow

Unleashing Human Potential Through Self-Discovery and Negotiation Mastery

Price icon An icon of a dollar sign, signifying price

Price range

  • $15,000 - $20,000
Expert icon An icon of a lightbulb, signifying expert


  • Attitude
  • Business
  • Business Growth
  • Communication
  • Innovation
  • Inspirational
  • Negotiation
  • Sales
  • About

    For years, Tony stood before diverse audiences, boldly proclaiming a truth that cuts straight to the core of our existence: “The biggest obstacle to getting what you want in business and life… is you. You are the biggest obstacle!” The silence that followed was deliberate, intended to let that profound realization sink in. In those moments of introspection, Tony witnessed the realization dawn on the faces of my listeners. Yet, he rarely delved deeper into the accusation of self-sabotage. Instead, he shifted gears, delving into the tactical nuances of success, leaving behind a question mark that lingered in the minds of many. Tony’s journey had led him to the forefront of corporate success, training some of the world’s largest organizations in the art of negotiation. The strategies and techniques he imparted bore fruit for many, but for some, success remained elusive. It was a mystery that haunted him. Was it his teaching style? His communication? His instructional design?

    The answer would arrive in the form of personal loss, an ordeal that would bring him face to face with a profound revelation: your relationship with yourself is the lynchpin determining your receptivity to acquiring new skills. He couldn’t teach success to those who didn’t believe they deserved it.

    His transformational epiphany marked a turning point. He committed myself to a holistic approach to negotiation training, one that transcends tactics and techniques. He embarked on a mission to help individuals exorcise the limiting core beliefs and behaviors that obstruct success, so that the true potential of negotiation could unfurl.

    Negotiation isn’t confined to boardrooms; it colors every facet of our lives, from nurturing relationships to building wealth. It’s an inescapable part of our daily existence, shaping our destiny in countless ways. When harnessed correctly, negotiation training becomes a catalyst for profound personal transformation, altering the trajectory of lives.

    It’s not merely about securing the best deal; it’s about crafting better human beings, empowering them to become architects of their own destinies. Tony’s passion lies in guiding individuals and organizations toward this transformative realization.

    As he looks ahead, Tony eagerly anticipates the opportunity to dive deeper into the vast realm of human potential with your organization and audience. Together, we can unlock the extraordinary power within, shatter the barriers of self-sabotage, and set forth on a journey of self-discovery and negotiation mastery. The path to success, fulfillment, and abundant living awaits.

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  • Topics

    Keynote | Educational | Inspirational

    • Identify Your Leverage: Learn to recognize and leverage your strengths in negotiations.

    • Gather Pertinent Information: Discover the art of gathering crucial information to make informed decisions.

    • Plan and Prepare: Develop effective negotiation strategies and tactics through careful planning.

    • Create a Set & Setting: Understand the importance of the negotiation environment for success.

    • Avoid Information Leaks: Learn how to keep sensitive information confidential throughout negotiations.

    Keynote | Educational | Inspirational

    • Establish First Offers & Demands: Master the art of setting the initial terms in negotiations.

    • Strategically Concede on Price: Learn when and how to make concessions without compromising your position.

    • Avoid Discounting: Discover strategies to avoid unnecessary price reductions.

    • Expect More and Get More: Develop techniques to secure better deals and outcomes.

    • Avoid the Most Common Pitfalls: Identify and steer clear of the pitfalls that often hinder successful price negotiation.

    Keynote | Educational | Inspirational

    • Use the Anchoring Principle: Harness the power of anchoring to influence the negotiation process.

    • Implement the ‘If-You’ Rule: Learn how to skillfully use conditional offers to your advantage.

    • Nibble and Counter the Nibble: Understand nibbling tactics and how to respond effectively.

    • Squeeze and Counter the Squeeze: Master the art of squeezing for concessions and how to counteract it.

    • Use ‘The Take It or Leave It’ Offer: Explore the effectiveness of ultimatums in negotiations.

    Keynote | Educational | Inspirational

    • Negotiate in Teams: Understand the dynamics of negotiating as part of a team.

    • Speed-Read Personality Types: Learn to quickly identify and adapt to different personality types.

    • Nurture Your Adversary: Discover strategies for building rapport and fostering cooperation.

    • How Vulnerability Can Be Your Greatest Strength: Explore the power of vulnerability in negotiations.

    • Create a Climate of Agreement: Develop skills to create a positive negotiation atmosphere, even with difficult individuals.

    Keynote | Educational | Inspirational

    • Growing The Deal: Learn how to expand the scope of a negotiation for mutual benefit.

    • Implement Creativity in a Negotiation: Discover creative approaches to finding win/win solutions.

    • Customize a Deal: Tailor negotiations to the unique needs and desires of all parties involved.

    • How Trading Can Open Up Win/Win Possibilities: Explore the art of trading concessions to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

    • How Asking for Help Can Be Game-Changing: Learn how seeking assistance can lead to unexpected advantages in negotiations.

    Keynote | Educational | Inspirational

    • Become Aware of Your Own Triggers: Understand your emotional triggers and their impact on negotiations.

    • Avoid Transference with Adversaries: Learn how to maintain clear boundaries and avoid projecting your emotions onto others.

    • Recognize Your Own Cycle of Shame: Identify and address personal shame patterns that may hinder negotiations.

    • Release Resentments and Find Compassion: Discover techniques to let go of resentments and cultivate compassion.

    • Manage Anger and Fear: Develop strategies to handle anger and fear constructively during negotiations.

Thank you so much for making our banquet a truly memorable one; we definitely would recommend you to any group looking for a first-class, audience-grabbing performance!
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